
 Francis Firebrace Official Website

Francis Firebrace has dedicated his life to sharing the rich culture and stories of the Yorta Yorta people with audiences around the world. Now in his later years, Francis has stepped back from public performances and workshops. This website remains as a tribute to his remarkable career and a resource for those who wish to learn more about his art, storytelling, and contributions to cultural understanding. We invite you to explore his journey and celebrate his legacy.

has been selected as one
of the Smithsonian Notable Books for Children 2009 and as one of the
International Reading Association's 2010 Notable Books for a Global Society


A link to a new Francis Firebrace Website


Francis appeared on
Britain's Psychic Challenge
on BBC Channel 5
at 8pm on Sunday December 4th 2005


To read about

Lambton and the Aborigine
click here.


Francis visited lightning Ridge in Australia in the middle of 2005
and has returned to England
with some interesting artifacts.


Chameleon Gallery
23 -25 Sandwell Street
Walsall WS1 3DR
tel: 01922 646 724

The Wirrigan Man's

Art Exhibition

Francis Firebrace


All Welcome


Gallery blessed by Francis



On the

29th September 2003


Opened the show in spectacular fashion for
Rolf Harris at the Royal Albert Hall
This event was filmed by the BBC
and was broadcast on BBC1
on Saturday 6th December  2003 at 9pm.


 Inspired by his father, Mervyn Firebrace, Francis' eldest son has started his journey as a Storyteller.


Francis has appeared in a BBC documentary "The Ship"









Man in the Mirror


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