Stone Axe |
Stone Knives |
Bone Knives |
Used for hunting |
Multipurpose tool |
Multipurpose tool |
Nulla Nulla |
Shield |
A wooden club or throwing stick. The shape may vary between mobs. |
Defensive purpose. |
A selection of Artifacts |
Something different for Collectors and Players |
A non traditional style diddgeridoo created by a master woodworker and decorated with authentic Aboriginal artwork by the Myall Creek artist - Colin Isaacs. Called an Oddgeri out of repect for the traditional didgeridoo. These are hand made to be played. Once the artwork is added, Colin considers these as part message stick, as the imaging conveys a message from the Dreaming.Traditional and non traditional didgeridoos. Created by a player and maker for lovers of the didgeridoo |
Carvings and Pyrography
Colin can be commissioned to create these artifact
for any interested parties.
Colin Isaacs © Copyright