Colin Isaacs, from the Myall Creek Memorial Committee, presents to Revd Dr John
Brown a decorated urn he made to honour John and his contribution to the Myall
Creek project.
Creek Memorial Photo Gallery

Art Galleries
Break Sculpture Park - Warialda NSW
Gallery - Chelsea, New York USA
English as a second Language Online Masters in ESL Programs Master's degree programs for ESL education provide instruction
about how individuals learn English as a second language with regards to
writing, reading and speaking. Most programs are available for both
inexperienced and veteran teachers and intended for those looking to teach in
primary, secondary or post-secondary schools.
Tourism & Culture of Australia http://www.australia.com/ProcessSplashResults.aust?C=AU&L=en http://www.walkabout.com.au/ http://www.csu.edu.au/australia/ http://www.mainzdidgeridoos.com.au/ http://www.whitepages.com.au/wp/ http://www.yellowpages.com.au/search/searchEntry.do http://www.atn.com.au/
Myall Creek Massacre MyallCrk.html
Myths & legends - Australian Aborigine
http://www.dreamhawk.com/oz.htm moon.html platypus.html The
Mother Snake Place Of Falling Star http://www.dreamtime.net.au/

Foto Search Stock Photos contains over 200 Aboriginal art images and paintings.
Visitors can also find royalty-free clipart pictures, illustrations, stock video
clips, maps, and more. http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/aborigine-art.html
use search term: aboriginal http://www.canstockphoto.com/
Colin Isaacs' Woodburnings
The Yowie, Hairy Man - Australia's Big Foot http://www.yowiefile.com/
Aboriginal Art & Culture http://www.aboriginalaustralia.com/aboriginal.htm# http://aboriginalart.com.au/ http://www.karinya.com/auart1.htm http://www.insects.org/ced1/aust_abor.html
Yorta Yorta struggle for
Justice Continues
Aboriginal Art Yuinart
- Lloyd Hornsby
Aboriginal Message Sticks http://www.schools.ash.org.au/elanorah/absticks.htm http://www.bluep.com/~stiffe/message8.html http://www.abc.net.au/message/
and Oddgeridoos Traditional and Non Traditional Agave
and Split Didgeridoos Decorated and Non Decorated Beginner
to Professional
Jackson Didgeridoo performer Mick
Lawton Didgeridoo Performer Lachlan
Hinds Didgeridoo Performer http://aboriginalart.com.au/didgeridoo/music.html http://www.mainzdidgeridoos.com.au/
Australian History http://www.nla.gov.au/oz/histsite.html
Australian Museum On-line http://www.amonline.net.au/
Books on Aboriginal Culture & History http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/history/aboriginal.htm Oracle
of the Dreamtime Gaddi Mirrabooka http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/
Stock Photos: http://www.gograph.com/ http://www.rosezone.com/postcards/images/1367-JPEG.html http://www.pictureaustralia.org/ http://www.australienbilder.de/e-index.htm http://www.mike-fields.com/outback/
News http://www.aboriginenews.com/ http://www.koorimail.com/
Maps of Australia http://www.ga.gov.au/map/images.html http://www.maptrax.com.au
Storytelling Links Australian Storytelling Guild
NSW inc http://storyteller.port5.com/
Didgeridoos and Oddgeridoos New
England Woodturning Supplies Rob Day - Player - Maker
- Didgeridoos and Oddgeridoos - individually hand crafted to be
Didgeridoos Kristian Benton Didgeridoo craftsman
and player www.yidakivibes.com
The Australian government and all its agencies have formally accept didjeridu as the correct spelling. Didjeridu is sometimes spelt didgeridoo, didjeridoo and didgeridu, but However, since didgeridoo is the more popular way of spelling, didjeridu and didgeridoo are used interchangeably throughout the Internet
and print media. Another common term these days is yidaki, a type of didjeridu used by the Aboriginal people of north-east Arnhem Land who call themselves Yolngu. You may sometimes also see yidaki spelt as yidaki, yirdaki or yiraki, but yidaki is the orthographically-correct spelling.
The term didjeridu is onomatopoetic and not of indigenous origin. That is, didjeridu is a word of Western invention, first coined in the early part of the 20th century to describe the sounds made by the instrument. It is also fairly certain that the earliest usage of the expression applied to instruments encountered in Western Arnhem Land or in the region to its immediate south, where repeating rhythms or sound patternings such as "didjeridu-dideru", "didjemro" and "didjeramo-rebo" are found. However, today, the word didjeridu is used much more generally to include instruments originating from all parts of Aboriginal Australia as well as a broad spectrum of instruments produced by indigenous and non-indigenous makers utilising an array of modern materials and methods.
The didjeridu has also been embraced by modern society for a number of other reasons including the relaxing and mildly euphoric state that playing and listening to the didjeridu can bring about. It appears likely that the special breathing technique needed to play the didjeridu as well as the distinct acoustics of the instrument both have positive effects on inducing the alpha brain wave patterns that are associated with deep meditation.
YouTube Video featuring Colin's Art and Kristian
Benton on Didgeridoo https://youtu.be/ViHyQ_3oqA0
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