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The Old Covent Gardens at Guyra NSW Australia

Green Valley Farm - Tingha NSW Australia

A photo I took at the Old Convent Gardens, Guyra NSW Australia. Photo was taken with a
Fuji Finepix S2950

Photo taken at Green Valley Farm at Tingha NSW Australia. Photo taken with an Olympus Digital Camera.

The fountain at Campbell Park. Photographed from Lions Park Inverell. Photo taken with a Canon 600d.

Campbell Park photographed from the opposite bank using a Canon 600d.

Inverell - Roundabout at Byron and Otho

Shops along Otho street. Photographed from the intersection  of Otho and Byron using a Canon 600d. Image reminds me of images I have seen of the streets of Holland.

The Velociraptor yelps! - Green Vallet Farm - Tingha

Not liking his picture being taken, the Velociraptor lets out a yelp!
Green Valley Farm - Tingha - Canon 600d

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